Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Zackery Cody Franklin charged with second New Haven murder

Even the defense acknowledged that the question of bail was largely academic since the 21-year-old was jailed in lieu of $3.6 million for two other killings and on Tuesday faced a third murder charge.

Zackery Cody Franklin said nothing during his arraignment Tuesday except to say he understood his right to remain silent.

Franklin, of West Haven, is charged with killing three people in two cities, including Ryan Barnaby, in New Haven on May 23, 2011 and John-Claude James on July 6, 2011. Barnaby's killing was the case that brought Franklin to court. Barnaby was shot in the head in a robbery. According to a witness, he also was Franklin’s gun supplier.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Free that man cody he didn't do that
